Cannes Lions Silver — Innovation in Sport — 5G Helmet
Cannes Lions Shortlist — Technology — 5G Helmet
Cannes Lions Shortlist — Emerging Tech — 5G Helmet
Cannes Lions Shortlist — Social Responsibility — 5G Helmet
Cannes Lions Shortlist — D&I in Sport — 5G Helmet
Cannes Lions Shortlist — Social Behavior in Sport — 5G Helmet
Andy Gold — Idea — 5G Helmet
Andy Gold — Reset — 5G Helmet
One Show Gold — Product Design Innovation — 5G Helmet
One Show Gold — Integrated Product Design — 5G Helmet
One Show Bronze — New Ideas In Tech — 5G Helmet
One Show Bronze — Product Design For Good — 5G Helmet
One Show Merit — Mixed Reality — 5G Helmet

One Show Merit — Tech For Good — 5G Helmet

One Show Merit — Execution in Tech — 5G Helmet
One Show Merit — Campaign For Good — 5G Helmet

One Show Merit — Physical Product — 5G Helmet
One Show Merit — New Ideas In Design — 5G Helmet
D&AD Wood Pencil — Product Design Inclusive — 5G Helmet
D&AD Merit — Integrated Enterprise — 5G Helmet
D&AD Merit — Product Design Innovation — 5G Helmet
Clio Gold — Connected Devices — 5G Helmet
Clio Silver — Emerging Technology — 5G Helmet
Clio Bronze — Innovation — 5G Helmet
Clio Merit — Digital/Mobile – 5G Helmet
Clio Merit — Public Relations — 5G Helmet
ADC Gold — Product Design Inclusive — 5G Helmet
ADC Silver — Accessory Innovation — 5G Helmet
ADC Silver — Accessory Tech Craft — 5G Helmet
ADC Bronze — Product Design For Good — 5G Helmet
ADC Bronze — Product Design Sports — 5G Helmet
ADC Merit — Product Design — 5G Helmet

Vimeo Staff Pick — Sound of Silence Film
AICP Next Award Shortlist — Innovation — 5G Helmet
Ad Age Creativity Award Shortlist — Best Work For Good — 5G Helmet
Ad Age Creativity Award Shortlist — Innovation Of The Year — 5G Helmet
Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2019 — Wave Meditation
Inc. Magazine #80 Fastest Growing Company In America 2018 — Y7 Studio
Effie Bronze — Philips Norelco
FWA Site Of The Day — Philips Norelco
FWA Mobile Site Of The Day — Philips Norelco
Effie Gold — Ikea
Effie Silver — Ikea